Thursday, July 16, 2015

Truth in Memes

When I saw this meme it made me giggle. I swear I get asked these questions multiple times when I'm out and about with all of the kids. I used to get irritated but I've come to the realization that people aren't trying to be rude, they are just interested in our family.

Because I have nothing exciting to blog about, I thought I'd take the time to answer these questions.
1. Are we done having kids?
That's a question I don't know how to answer. I'm going to try to be 100% transparent with my feelings on this. I would love to have more kids. I love being pregnant, love giving birth and absolutely love having a new baby in the house. However, after Henry's extremely fast birth that lasted a total of 1 hour, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared to have another baby. I'd be scared that the stock boy at Kroger would be the one catching #6. Although the thought of never being pregnant again and never experiencing childbirth again makes me tear up. So the answer to this question isn't as easy as it seems.

Thankfully, I don't have to be pregnant in order to have more kids. Recently I've started having a huge desire to adopt children. I'm not sure if adoption is right for us but it is definitely something Id like to look into and consider.

2. Are they all mine?
Yes of course.

3. Do I know what causes it?
No! I wish someone would please explain this to me! Lol

4. Were they all planned?
Yes, God has had a plan for every single one of my precious children. 

5. Am I bored?

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