Friday, July 25, 2014

Welcome to the Neighborhood

Our new subdivision is an arena full of unusual circus acts. 

We've got the guy across the street, Mr Sam, who sits in his driveway all day watching the world go by. At first I thought it was a bit creepy having this old man watch my every move but now  I'm getting accustomed to waving at him every day.

We have the neighbors with the 5 kids right next door. They seem to be a lot like us, it's almost scary. They have 5 kids and two large dogs just like us. We get along great, the kids get along great and well it's so perfect I'm pretty sure I'm in an episode of the Twilight Zone.

Then there's Don and ..... Oh what's her name??? I really can't remember what her damn name is and she just introduced herself to me less than an hour ago! These neighbors live right next to us on the opposite side of the 5 kid family. These people definitely take the cake for weirdest neighbors EVER! Don and "what's her face" let their dog out the front door and allow it to roam and poop all over the neighbors' lawns, including ours. We were getting pretty irritated with picking up someone else's dog poop so I told Remie to have a talk with them before I lose it. This evening we were outside working in our yard when the little dog got let out to poop where it pleased. Remie took that opportunity to confront "what's her face" about the poop issue. She seems a bit spacy and strange but was apologetic about the poop and got a shovel to start picking up the multiple piles on our lawn. While she's scooping she says that she heard that I'm pregnant. I made small talk about the pregnancy and children and as she's talking to me I'm getting a strange vibe that this woman is not playing with a full deck, if you get my drift. "What's her face" then says something that I've never heard before! She says "You look really young, especially for having 4 children. Are you Mormon?" Because I can't control myself EVER I busted out laughing and cackled "NO IM NOT MORMON!" She didn't seem at all embarrassed for asking that ridiculous question and followed it up with "But you look like you're a teenager." I managed to keep it together and politely thanked her for thinking I was a teenager and told her that I am about to turn 34. "What's her face" was completely shocked at my old age and had to yell over to Don to inform him of my age. It was quite a comical scene as these two went back and forth in disbelief that I could actually be a grown woman.

I'm still shaking my head over being asked if I was Mormon and laughing that they think Remie is a dirty old man!

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