Friday, August 26, 2016


Whew what a whirlwind the last 2 months have been!

We were able to sell our house relatively quickly. Selling the house was the easy part. Buying another one was a different story. We ended up putting offers on 4 separate houses in just a few short weeks! The housing market is crazy- tons of buyers and not enough sellers.

It was a difficult journey watching the clock tick away, knowing that we had to be out of our house soon but not yet having a place to live. I repeatedly prayed to God that He not let us be homeless. Living in a hotel or with family with 5 kids was not ideal. This experience was definitely one that forced Remie and I to grow in our faith together. We prayed and prayed and prayed for God to direct us to the perfect home for us. Each time we put an offer on a house and it was rejected felt like a punch in the gut. To say that our faith was growing weary is an understatement. We were scared and worried. We were worried about all of the unknown. Where would we live? Where would the kids go to school? Oh my gosh am I going to have our baby in a hotel? Our worry was consuming us.

Finally one night Remie and I had a heart to heart conversation about our house situation. We agreed to no longer worry about the unknown and instead focus on the truths that we do know. We knew that God had not forgotten us and that He loves us more than we can imagine. He loves our kids more than we do and cares more about their well being than we can imagine. We acknowledged the importance of trusting God with EVERY aspect of our life and letting go of the control and worry of finding a new house. We agreed that we wanted to allow God to use this situation to teach us how to trust Him and give our burdens to Him. God knew our situation and He was already handling it for us. We felt such peace after declaring all of this.

It seemed like the housing market was slowing down and houses with our criteria weren't popping up on the market. I kept reminding myself that it only takes one house. We weren't going to be homeless and it was going to be in the perfect timing.

A few weeks ago we found "the house". You know, the one that makes you want to cry because you love it so much? That's exactly what got! It's a cute little ranch on 3 acres in Almont. It's on a private road and in the school district we wanted to be in. Everything we prayed about came at the perfect timing. The best part is that the owners only need 10 days occupancy after closing which means that we will have time to clean it and move in before we have to be out of our current home.

God heard our prayers, answered them and carried us through this entire experience. We wouldn't have survived (or stayed sane) without Him. A special thank you to our friends that lifted our family up in prayer during this time! When we were weak, you remained strong and encouraging for us.

*blogger is acting up and wont let me put pictures in this post. Pictures to come :)

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