Thursday, April 12, 2012

Breathing Easy

Yesterday morning Isaac was scheduled to have surgery to remove his adenoids. I was completely comfortable with our decision to have his adenoids removed because I knew that it would greatly help his breathing issues. Isaac has something called Bronchomalacia which means that the cartilage in his bronchial tubes are weak and actually collapse as he exhales. This causes him to wheeze quite frequently and it also makes it difficult for him to gain weight because he is using all of his calories by working to breathe rather than storing fat. Removing Isaac’s adenoids would not cure the bronchomalacia but it would lessen the amount of stress on his little lungs.

Isaac and Daddy talking before surgery
Although I was completely confident that Isaac needed to have his adenoids removed, I was also a little nervous about him going under anesthesia again. I reached out on Facebook and asked my friends and family to pray for little Isaac and I couldn’t believe the response. Throughout the day, my facebook wall, private messages and text messages were flooded with people telling me that they were praying for our family. I felt such a sense of peace knowing that our family was supported by so many people! I can’t thank you all enough for your willingness to help with my kids, all of your words of encouragement and prayers! It really meant a lot to me!

Such a cutie in his itty bitty hospital gown!
Isaac’s surgery went wonderfully. Dr. McBrien informed us that his adenoids were huge and that we will see such a big difference with them removed. Although Isaac is still a bit swollen, we can already tell that he is breathing easier. I actually had to lay my hand on his back last night when I was checking him before I went to bed. Isaac normally snores like fog horn so imagine my shock when there was no noise coming from his room last night. Isaac also seems to be talking a little easier. He normally is very nasally sounding when he speaks but now he is clear and is saying more words then yesterday! He is only about 24 hours post-surgery and he is happy, smiling and running around like a normal toddler!

I also want to give a big shout out to my friend Renee. Yesterday she demonstrated what a true friend is. A few weeks ago Renee and I were talking and I mentioned that I didn’t have a babysitter for the big kids while Isaac was in the hospital. I explained that our last resort was to have Remie Sr stay home with the big kids while I stayed with Isaac. Without hesitation, Renee told me that she would watch my kids as long as I needed! She not only watched my kids but she played with them and made them feel comfortable when they were uneasy about us being gone. I am so thankful for Renee and I could never repay her for the kindness she has shown our family.

1 comment:

Jenna@CallHerHappy said...

He does look cute in that hospital gown! What a sweet kid, and what a trooper! I'm so glad everything went well :)