Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Family Clown

After scrolling through our blog I realized that I rarely talk about Isaac and you probably don't know much about him (sorry middle child). I decided that today I would dedicate my entire post to my sweet little doodlebug, Isaac Lee.

Just like every class has a clown, so does every family. The name Isaac means  laughter which is fitting because Isaac is definitely our family clown. 

Isaac is always good for a laugh. He likes to say innocent yet extremely embarrassing things when we are out in public. A few weeks ago while the big kids were in swim class, Isaac yelled loudly to me "Hey mom! My penis is up and I can't get it to go down!". All of the other parents chuckled while my face turned beat red and I promised him that if he'd keep his hands off of his privates it would go down.

Then there was the time we went grocery shopping and he very sweetly asked me "Mom can I just feel your boob?". Once again we were having a conversation about what was appropriate to say in public.

And I'll never forget the incident at church. I was mortified. Let me start by saying that Isaac has the most loving and wonderful teachers in his preschool class at church. The day of "the incident", it was Ms Kim's turn to teach Isaac's class. The class was singing "If you're happy and you know it" and Isaac was gladly singing along. Suddenly Isaac took it upon himself to make up his own words to the song. Isaac belted out "If you're happy and you know it slap Ms Kim's butt!" and then proceeded to slap Ms Kim's butt. Yes- my child slapped his teacher's ass IN CHURCH. Mortified doesn't even begin to explain how I was feeling at that moment. And what exactly do you say to the teacher that received this ass slapping? I think I apologized to her repeatedly and tried to explain that we don't know where he learned such behavior. Maybe I blamed my husband, who knows? Thankfully Ms Kim has a sense of humor and she laughed and said "I just love Isaac!" Phew! We dodged a bullet on that one!

Isaac is one of a kind, that's for sure! He is always keeping us on our toes and filling our house with joy! Besides being hilarious, he is extremely loving and sweet. He's a great big brother to Grace and Henry and excels in being a pesky little bro to Remie and Charlotte.

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