Monday, April 9, 2012

Precious Moments

Remie and I would love to have our own baseball team full of children. With a family that big we know that sometimes the children get lost in the shuffle and we want to make sure that we have a loving relationship with each one of our children so none of them feel like a number. Even though we only have three kids right now, we have already started implementing ways to have one-on-one time with each of our children. Our favorite thing to do is to have “Date Days” with our kids. We rotate who has alone time with each parent each week. It’s working out really well. We are learning so much about our little ones and we are having special bonding time together.

Today was Charlotte and my date day! We went to Red Robin for lunch. She talked all about Easter and how she loved having an egg hunt at Grandma and Papa V’s house.  We colored the menu together as Charlotte talked about swimming with Grandma Brook and eating pancakes with Papa Brook this weekend.  I found it hard to hold back the tears as I watched my precious daughter write her name on the menu and I was so thankful that I am able to have this special time with her. She is growing so fast and I wish I could pause time for just a little while.

After lunch we went to Partridge Creek to throw coins in the fountain. Unfortunately the fountain hasn’t turned on yet this spring so we had to improvise. We threw a few coins into the dry fountain and then went to the “Cookie Store”. Charlotte and I shared a chocolate chip cookie on a stick while we sat on the bench and talked some more. By then it was time for nap so we headed home.

In case you can’t tell, I adore my children and I treasure each special little moment with them. I am discovering more and more about who they are, their likes and dislikes, and their dreams for the future. Being a mommy is the most difficult yet rewarding thing I’ve ever done, I just hope I’m getting it right!

1 comment:

Jenna@CallHerHappy said...

I loved having date day with my dad! We called it our "special day." She will remember those days for a long time :)