Monday, February 13, 2012

It's all Perspective

Today was the day that I have dreaded for weeks.

Today was the day that I needed to be strong for my baby.

Today was the day my little baby was admitted to Royal Oak Beaumont's Pediatric Intensive Care unit to determine why he has been having difficulty breathing for the past year.

Rewind one year:
On January 1, 2011 sweet baby Isaac, only 3 1/2 months old was rushed via ambulance to St John Hospital in Detroit. He had a very bad cold, difficulty breathing and was throwing up. He had not breast fed in days and was very dehydrated. It was a parent's worst nightmare. Isaac spent a week in the hospital getting breathing treatments, undergoing tests and having multiple doctors trying to figure out what was wrong with him. We heard the words Pneumonia, RSV and brochialitis but still did not know what was causing him to be so sick. Gradually my little guy turned a corner and started getting better. One thing that never got any better was Isaac's consistent wheezing.

Through the year, we tried multiple medications for breathing treatments and then he was started on asthma medication. Isaac's pediatrician, Dr. Little was absolutely wonderful trying to figure out what was causing his wheezing but it seemed that nothing was truly helping. Dr. Little was also concerned because Isaac pretty much stopped gaining weight around 9 months old. He thought that Isaac was working so hard to breathe that he was burning all of the calories he was consuming. Dr. Little then referred us to Dr. Doshi a pediatric pulmonologist.

Dr. Doshi examined Isaac and determined that Isaac's illness a year prior caused his cartilage in his lungs to be stretched out like a limp noodle. Now when Isaac exhales the valves in his lungs collapse and then when he inhales he works extremely hard to open the valves back up. He agreed that Isaac's lack of weight gain was due to his breathing problems. Dr. Doshi explained that Isaac would need a procedure called bronchoscopy. He scheduled Isaac for the bronchoscopy at Royal Oak Beaumont's intensive care unit for February 13, 2012.

The dreaded day of February 13, 2012 came today. We arrived at the hospital this morning and prepared for Isaac to go under anesthesia. He received an oral medication to calm his nerves (I could've used a dose of it too). Then Isaac got an IV. He was such a tough boy, he was so brave sitting still while the nurses fought to insert the needle into his tiny vein.  I was keeping it together but to be honest I was a nervous wreck. I completely trusted Isaac's doctor and I knew that it was a routine procedure but I still didn't understand why it had to be MY baby that had this structural problem with his lungs. We walked with Isaac to the operating room and sat with him while he went to sleep. It was very difficult to walk away from his bed and put my trust in God, the doctors and nurses that he would be ok. Remie Sr and I walked hand in hand back to Isaac's room while I cried and waited for my baby to come back to me....

Then walked in 4 year old Abraham and his father. Abraham knew all of the nursing staff and was there for his weekly dose of Chemotherapy and was also having a lumbar puncture today. I immediately started thanking God that it was MY baby that was having the bronchoscopy today and that I was not in Abraham's father's shoes.

Isaac came back from his procedure still asleep and was able to wake up with Remie and I at his side. Dr. Doshi confirmed that Isaac's lungs were collapsing as he exhales but it is was the best case scenario. As Isaac grows, his lungs will strengthen and he will begin breathing easier. Isaac was taken off all of his steroid and asthma medication! Dr Doshi also checked Isaac's adenoids and found that they were greatly inflamed. He gave us some Flonase to help with the inflammation and explained that if the Flonase doesn't help, he may have to have his adenoids removed. We were released and sent home with a healthy baby!

Today is the day that I stopped feeling sorry for myself and began thanking God for my healthy children.

Today is the day that I stopped taking for granted all of the blessings that God has given me.

Today is the day that I remember that it's all perspective.

1 comment:

Jenna@CallHerHappy said...

Ugh. Vicki, this just made me and Mike sob. You are such a strong momma and you have a strong little boy. Praise be to God that he is on the road to recovery!!! Yay Isaac :))))