Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Welcome to Almont!

We are finally all settled in our new home. The adjustment to country life hasn't been as hard as I expected. The most difficult thing for me to get used to is the well water. We had it tested before we moved in so I'm confident that it's safe to drink but I just can't get past the taste. I'm sure I look ridiculous when I buy gallons of spring water at the local store. My pregnancy turns my nose into a super sniffer and the smell of the well water is very strong to me. No one else seems to be able to smell the iron and minerals in the water like I can. However, I do have to say that the water has been amazing for my hair! It is so soft and shiny now instead of dry and a bit frizzy!

The community of Almont is incredible. It's hard to believe how different people live and act a mere 20 miles north of the city. Everyone I have met has been so welcoming and warm. During our first few days in our home, our mail lady stopped to introduce herself and offer us any help we might need. When my children began riding the bus to school, the bus driver took the time to learn their names and every day greets them with a "Good Morning ____(insert name)". Just last week we received a letter from the Chief of Police. I have to admit that when I saw that the return address was from the Police Department, I thought for sure it was a speeding ticket. To my amazement it wasn't a ticket but a letter welcoming us to the area and explaining the services that the Police Department provides. Remie and I keep pinching ourselves because we can't believe how wonderful the community is here.

We have been doing quite a bit of work on the house so far. Remie and his dad painted the entire house in one week. Remie is so sweet because he knew that the previous owner's odd paint color choices of pea green and brown would drive me crazy so he bit the bullet and painted everything to make the house feel more like our home. The guys were exhausted after it was all done but the house looks so beautiful now!

We also cleaned the carpets before we moved in which activated the awful smell of animal urine. We tried everything we could to get the smell out but nothing worked. The stench was so strong in Henry's room that it was nauseating! We finally decided to replace all of the carpet and padding. Boy am I glad we did! When the installers were tearing out the carpeting, the padding underneath was completely stained with animal pee. I had to walk outside so I didn't get sick.

The kids have adjusted amazingly to the new house. They love seeing the family of deer that visits our yard in the early morning and are having a blast simply running on the endless amounts of grass. They beg to go play outside as much as possible which is quite a change from their behavior at the old house. I used to have to force them to get out of the house to play. They are doing well in school and have made a few good friends. The kids have learned the Almont Raiders Fight Song and are already die hard Raiders fans!

I was very nervous about downsizing our home from 3100 sq feet to 2000 sq feet. I didn't know how we'd all fit and was concerned that we would be crammed in. I have found that I worried for nothing. Right now Henry has his own room (because he sleeps so much) while the other 4 kids share a room until our basement finishing project is complete. I actually think the kids are growing closer together by sharing a room and learning how to cooperate with one another. There is still a lot of fighting between them but they really are learning how to respect each other's belongings and live in such close proximity to one another.

That's it for the updates on our new life. I'm sure I will have more to write as we learn how to grow a garden and raise chickens:)

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