Saturday, March 7, 2015

Our Growing Family

We are a month into our life with 5 kids and I have to say we are doing wonderfully. I definitely haven't mastered the art of raising a family of 5 children yet but so far things are going better than I anticipated.

Henry is an absolute doll. His personality so far is very laid back. I think he knows that he's the 5th child and that sometimes he's going to have to wait for my attention. I have found that getting a very comfortable baby carrier helps simplify my life. I am in love with the ABC (action baby carrier). I can wear Henry for hours while I take care of the other kids or gets things done around the house without my back suffering at all.

Breastfeeding is going wonderfully, Henry was able to latch on right away and has been nursing like a champ! He went from 9lbs 6oz at birth to a whopping 11lbs 2oz at his one month check up! Henry doesn't appear to have any sensitivities to foods yet so I am able to eat a normal diet while nursing him! 

Many people are asking me if I'm able to get any rest. Truthfully, once you have your fifth child, going without sleep is the norm and I am able to function well on just a few hours of Zzzs. That being said, Henry is a wonderful nighttime sleeper. He normally only wakes once or twice a night to eat and then easily goes back to sleep without a fuss.

Henry has recently started smiling! Oh am I ever in love with his smile and his two adorable dimples! It takes every ounce of self control not to eat his cheeks off!

I am recovering well and feeling really great after our exciting/scary/traumatic birth experience. I'm finding that I am able to enjoy Henry instead of wishing for him to reach the next milestone. I've experienced first hand with the other kids that babies grow way too fast and I am determined to cherish every moment with this little guy.

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